C-Section or Cesarean Delivery in Dubai


If you are a mom-to-be, it is quite natural to be anxious about the mode of delivery. It is a crucial part of the delivery process, and you must have every bit of an idea of the methods available. As you might know, there are two primary modes of childbirth – Normal Delivery (Vaginal) and Caesarean Delivery (C-Section).

Here, in this piece of write-up, we have summed up all the possible details about C-Section Or Cesarean Delivery In Dubai.

What is Cesarean Delivery (C-Section)?

A cesarean section (C-section) is a surgical procedure that involves the delivery of a baby through incisions in the mother’s abdominal wall and uterus. This method of delivery can help at-risk women avoid dangerous delivery-room situations and can save lives in an emergency. In other words, when it is not possible or safe for a woman to give birth naturally through her vagina, her baby must be delivered surgically to avoid any complications.

C-Sections are generally performed by obstetricians (doctors who care for pregnant women before, during, and after birth) and some family physicians.

When will a woman need C-Section?

Our gynaecologist may recommend a c-section or caesarean delivery in Dubai in the following cases:

Labour is not progressing as expected – One of the most common reasons for a C-section is stalled labour (labour dystocia). Many a time prolonged first stage (prolonged dilation or opening of the cervix) or if the second stage is stretched over several hours (prolonged time of pushing after complete cervical dilation) can lead to labour progression.

The baby is in discomfort – When there are concerns about the baby’s heartbeat, a C-section can be deemed as the best option.

Baby is in an unusual position – A C-section is the safest alternative to deliver babies who are in a breech position in the birth canal with their feet or buttocks first or with their sides or shoulders first (transverse).

You’re carrying multiple children – Women carrying twins, triplets, or more may require a C-section. This is especially true if labour begins prematurely or if the babies are not in a head-down position.

Issue with the placenta – A C-section may be undertaken if the placenta covers the opening of the cervix (placenta previa).

The umbilical cord has prolapsed – If an umbilical cord loop slips through the cervix in front of the baby, a C-section may be advised.

Some health issues – A C-section may be recommended for women who have certain medical conditions, such as a heart or brain condition.

Blockage – A large fibroid blocking the birth canal, a pelvic fracture, or a baby with the condition that causes the head to be abnormally large (severe hydrocephalus) could all be reasons for a C-section.

C-section or other uterine surgery in the past – Although vaginal birth is often possible after a C-section, a healthcare provider may advise a repeat C-section.

Also, when having their first child, some women request C-sections. They may wish to avoid labour and the potential complications of vaginal birth. They may also want to schedule the delivery time.

Procedure for C-Section Delivery

For c-section or caesarean delivery in Dubai, the procedure will begin with you being sedated with anaesthesia. Then, our caesarean specialist, Dr. Pranjali Singh, will make an incision on the skin of your abdomen, usually horizontally (1-2 inches above the pubic hairline, also known as “the bikini cut”).

The doctor then gently separates the abdominal muscles to gain access to the uterus, where another incision is made. This incision can be horizontal or vertical. Doctors typically use a horizontal incision in the uterus, also known as a transverse incision, which greatly increases the likelihood of a VBAC.

The baby is gently extracted after the uterine incision is made. After sucking the baby’s mouth and nose, the doctor clamps and cuts the umbilical cord.

C-Section Or Cesarean Delivery In Dubai - Dr Pranjali singh


As with any surgery, there is usually some pain and discomfort following a C-section. Recovery time is also slightly longer than for vaginal births. C-section patients typically stay in the hospital for 3 to 4 days.

You may feel itchy, sick to your stomach, and sore right after the surgery; these are all normal reactions to anaesthesia and surgery. You may feel a bit tired and sloshed, but that is all temporary and you will start feeling better soon. Our doctor can prescribe medications to alleviate any discomfort or pain.

Consult Dr. Pranjali Singh if you are looking for a C-Section delivery expert in Dubai

Dr. Pranjali Singh is a renowned and experienced surgeon for C-Section Or Cesarean Delivery In Dubai. She has years of experience handling high-risk pregnancies and delivering babies safely via C-section. She gives her patients the best care possible by utilising cutting-edge technologies, techniques, and evidence-based practices.

We highly recommend consulting Dr. Pranjali if you are looking for an expert C-section specialist in Dubai, as she has gained a reputation for providing excellent care at every step during your pregnancy journey.

Book your appointment to discuss the appropriate mode of delivery for your childbirth.

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